About Us

PROTOCOL BODY is much more than a body product company. It was created by co-founders Shari & Rob MARTIN while Rob was fighting to overcome a significant health issue from years of toxic exposures as a firefighter. Our Cause or Mission was conceived due to a lack of truly natural and chemical-free body products available on the market or in stores. They needed to eliminate as many toxins as possible from their lives in order to assist Rob's health recovery. It was the love Shari had for Rob that drove her to create their own homemade body products.

As the company has expanded organically through family and friends and word of mouth, we were also determined to make sure our impact on the environment was as sustainable as possible. We sourced paper or glass packaging for our lip balms, lotions and deodorants so that we were not adding to the plastics in the landfill.

We research the oils and other ingredients we use in the products before we incorporate them into production to ensure they are a sustainable product. We are proud to be Palm Oil Free.

At Protocol Body WE BELIEVE:

That healthy, happy people build healthy, safe communities that care for our planet now and into the future.

We hope to build a network of like-minded members who want to level up their lives in every way.

Thanks again for coming to our site, we hope you’ll engage with us on our social feeds. Let’s Evolve together.

 Much love

Shari & Rob